Kejahatan Nigerian Scam
June 2nd, 2010, Written by: | Categories: Security

Penipuan Nigeria ini memiliki banyak nama lain seperti 419 Fraud, Nigerian Scam, Nigerian bank scam. Jenis penipuan ini sebenarnya sudah lama ada semenjak tahun 1980, dengan menggunakan surat atau fax.

Nigerian Scam

Penipuan Nigerian Sampai Saat Ini Masih Memakan Korban

Semenjak Internet mulai populer jenis penipuan ini menjadi meluas. Jenis emailnya kira-kira seperti ini :

Good day Sharma, Manish

My name is Kathy Olds. I do not know how to introduce this letter but please go through this website:

I lost my son and my wife in this Zimbabwe and now I have serious neuro problem. I have stroke and other complications. What is the world doing about the situation in zimbabwe.

Anyways, I am writting this letter to request for a business relationship from you or your company. My family owned a family busineses, and a major account with VEF bank Riga latvia containning the sum of $8 million (USD) only.

I sold everything we had including our estates and secured the funds with Vef Bank. With the help of my friend Mr. Mike Woods the funds have been protected in a Trust company here in UK on my behalf when Vef bank started encountering problems in their financial system.

Please I need you to come and help me to secure this funds for oversea investment. I am sick now with stroke and cannot do anything further. Please it is through the help of some organizations that I am able to write you thsi email from my hospital bed.

May be some many people are writting you emails from zimbabwe. Most are true as the situation is getting hot. I may not be able to reply you but please contact my friend Mr. Mike Woods at [email protected] for further information.

He will establish a relationship with you and also get to know you better and you will know him better. Then he shall notify you of what I want to do with the funds and how I intend to secure the funds.

Additionally please when you reply to him ensure that you send him your telephone contacts, mobile phone number and fax number and also a more private email address to discuss this business transaction. In summary I need a good business manager who can protect this fund for me in a good business project.

I am ready to make an offer to him. A great one that he will not refuse. When you get back to us you will know about the offer. I am ready to pay you 20% of these funds for all your assistance which my friend shall prescribe and more for the investment.

My friend shall provide you all the confirmable documents regarding the deal with Vef bank and information regarding where the funds are situated and what you are going to do. Thanks for reading my letter.

Reply immediately to mikewoodsmail@sify

Kathy Olds

Beberapa dari jenis email itu bersifat untuk memancing orang untuk bertemu, ada juga yang memancing untuk memberi tahu nomor rekeningnya, dan yang lainnya memancing korban untuk mengirim sejumlah uang ke rekening tertentu.

Mungkin Anda mengira tidak mungkin ada yang percaya dengan surat ini. Tetapi jangan salah, masih ada orang yang tertipu dalam modus ini walaupun sebetulnya jenis penipuan ini sudah diketahui banyak orang. Ada kasus di mana orang sampai kehilangan 7000 USD. Implikasinya juga hebat, karena rentetan kasus ini bisa sampai terjadi pembunuhan, bunuh diri, penculikan akibat sifat ketamakan yang memancing orang untuk mempercayainya.

Kasus penculikan contohnya seperti Osamai Hitomi, seorang pengusaha Jepang yang terpancing ke Johannesburg akibat penipuan itu, Joseph Raca, dan masih banyak lainnya. Penculikan ini bahkan ada yang berakhir dengan kematian seperti George Makronalli ketika keluarganya tidak membayar uang tebusan.

Kasus seperti ini menjadi pelajaran bagi kita semua, bahwa kita harus hati-hati terhadap penipuan di Internet seiring semakin luasnya jangkauan teknologi ini ke dalam masyarakat.

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4 Responses to “Kejahatan Nigerian Scam”

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