Having an effective SEO strategy not only gives your business a strong online presence, it allows it to grow and thrive. A well-planned strategy makes sure that your website is constructed in a way that increases its visibility and allows you to grow your revenue, both from new visitors and existing advertisers. All of the other factors that make up a great SEO strategy are equally important.
By taking a closer look at the various components of an effective SEO strategy, I will be able to bring the world’s best SEO strategy to your marketing efforts. Today’s post is the first part of a three-part series. I hope to have it all covered in the final installment of this series.
First Step Establish Your Top-level Domain
This step is fairly self-explanatory and easy to follow. When you know the generic name of your brand or business, you can apply for a TOP-level domain.(TLD) which is an umbrella of many different words that can be customized to indicate what you are about or what your firm is about. These TLD’s are at the top level of the DNS and usually appear in the Internet’s.com, .net, or.org registry. These TLD’s are well-known and accepted by most webmasters, and when you sign up for them, a customer will have no problem locating you. A well-designed website is necessary to establish your brand’s reputation. This step is almost certainly one of the most important parts of an effective SEO strategy, and a mistake is to not do it. By having an effective website, you will have a more successful SEO campaign than if you were to have no website whatsoever. And if you’re looking for an online course to teach you how to create an effective website, then read eCom babes reviews here.
Second Step Setting Up Your Shopping Cart
One of the most important parts of a great SEO strategy is optimizing the shopping cart page and ranking product pages which is usually included in every SEO checklist. (SC) the shopping cart’s first page which looks like this:
That is fairly straightforward, but how about the top page?
In order to effectively manage the behavior of your shoppers and allow for more controlled sales, most companies implement a checkout button to make it easy to make purchases. On a shopping cart page, the customer should be able to make their purchase while browsing around your website, for example, by clicking on the “Buy Now” button.
The most effective way to do this is to use a checkout form that looks like this:
The most effective way to do this is to use a checkout form that looks like this: Notice that my top-level domain is in the right-hand corner of the form. This makes it easy to identify the top-level domain that has the shopping cart, and this is a key component of SEO, as many SEO strategy will revolve around optimizing the SC page, not the other pages on your website. If you don’t have a leading-edge domain, you should consider purchasing one soon as it provides extra benefits as well. By doing this you will also have an easier time preventing spam, as often one will leave a comment on your SC page that includes your site’s name in the comments section.